Fig. 2.
Early life urbanicity and sex interaction on ACC GM volume. (A) T-map of interaction effects between early-life urbanicity and sex on GM volume. A significant interaction effect is seen in the pACC (T = 3.49, P = .033, FWE-corrected within ROI). (B) Scatterplots of early-life urbanicity and adjusted GM volumes of the most significantly correlated voxel for the interaction effect (MNI: x = −12, y = 40, z = 7) illustrate a negative correlation in males and no correlation in females. The scatter plot is adjusted for demographic covariates. Coordinates refer to the MNI standard space. T-maps are displayed at P < .005 uncorrected for presentation purposes. The color bar represents T-values. GM, gray matter; pACC, perigenual anterior cingulate cortex; MNI, Montreal Neurological Institute; FWE, family-wise error correction for multiple comparisons; ROI, region of interest.