A) Schematic of the transgene inducibly expressing either WT-PPARγ or DN-PPARγ and tdTomato in response to Cre-recombinase. B) Western blot detecting the indicated protein in mesenteric artery SMC derived from the transgenic mice. Cells were infected with either control (AdGFP) or AdCre. This is representative of 4–6 experiments. Size markers transferred from the blots are shown. C–E) Relative mRNA expression of human PPARγ (C, n=10–12; D, n=6) and mouse FABP4 (E, n=10–12; F, n=6) were determined by quantitative real-time RT-PCR in these cells. Data were normalized to the control value, set to 1.0. All data are mean ± SEM. *P<0.05, control vs. AdCre.