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. 2017 Jun 5;11(6):e0005613. doi: 10.1371/journal.pntd.0005613

Table 1. Events and reactions of the tick-capybara-disease stochastic process.

Event Reaction
Birth of capybara SCμCNSC+1
Birth of susceptible detached larvae SLDρSSSAA+ρSIIAASLD+1
Birth of infected detached larvae ILDρIIIAAILD+1
Engorgement of a susceptible larva SLDαLSLD(SLD-1)+(SLA+1)
Engorgement of an infected larva ILDαLILD(ILD-1)+(ILA+1)
Transmission from an infected capybara to a susceptible larvae SLAβLICNθSLELSLA(SLA-1)+(IND+1)
Transmission from an infected larvae to a susceptible capybara SCλLSCNILA(SC-1)+(IC+1)
Stage change from susceptible larvae to detached nymph SLAθSLELSLA(SLA-1)+(SND+1)
Stage change from infected larvae to detached nymph SLAθILELILA(SLA-1)+(SND+1)
Recovery rate of capybara ICγCIC(IC-1)+(RC+1)
Death of a susceptible capybara SCδCSCSC-1
Emigration of a susceptible capybara SCϵCSCSC-1
Death of an infected capybara ICδCICIC-1
Emigration of an infected capybara ICϵCICIC-1
Death of a recovered capybara RCδCRCRC-1
Emigration of a recovered capybara RCϵCRCRC-1
Engorgement rate of a susceptible nymph SNDαNSND(SND-1)+(SNA+1)
Engorgement rate of an infected nymph INDαNIND(IND-1)+(INA+1)
Transmission from an infected nymph to a susceptible capybara SCλNSCNINA(SC-1)+(IC+1)
Transmission from an infected capybara to a susceptible nymph SNAβNICNθSNENSNA(SNA-1)+(IAD+1)
Stage change from susceptible nymph to detached adult SNAθSNENSNA(SNA-1)+(SAD+1)
Stage change from infected nymph to detached adult INAθINENINA(INA-1)+(IAD+1)
Engorgement of a susceptible adult SADαASAD(SAD-1)+(SAA+1)
Engorgement of an infected adult IADαAIAD(IAD-1)+(IAA+1)
Transmission from an infected adult tick to a susceptible capybara SCλASCNIAA(SC-1)+(IC+1)