Birth of capybara |
Birth of susceptible detached larvae |
Birth of infected detached larvae |
Engorgement of a susceptible larva |
Engorgement of an infected larva |
Transmission from an infected capybara to a susceptible larvae |
Transmission from an infected larvae to a susceptible capybara |
Stage change from susceptible larvae to detached nymph |
Stage change from infected larvae to detached nymph |
Recovery rate of capybara |
Death of a susceptible capybara |
Emigration of a susceptible capybara |
Death of an infected capybara |
Emigration of an infected capybara |
Death of a recovered capybara |
Emigration of a recovered capybara |
Engorgement rate of a susceptible nymph |
Engorgement rate of an infected nymph |
Transmission from an infected nymph to a susceptible capybara |
Transmission from an infected capybara to a susceptible nymph |
Stage change from susceptible nymph to detached adult |
Stage change from infected nymph to detached adult |
Engorgement of a susceptible adult |
Engorgement of an infected adult |
Transmission from an infected adult tick to a susceptible capybara |