Lung neutrophils were tracked for 10 minutes prior to stimulation to quantify baseline neutrophil characteristics. (A) LPS (10μg i.v.) was administered and neutrophils were tracked over time. Each symbol represents an individual neutrophil combined from three separate experiments. Statistical testing was performed by averaging crawling distance of all neutrophils tracked from each mouse and using this as a single n value (mean ± SD, * p= 0.0169, ** p = 0.0014, one way ANOVA, n = 3). (B) Total neutrophil accumulation was quantified per field of view prior to and 30 minutes following LPS intravenous administration (mean ± SD, *** p = 0.0001, n = 5, unpaired two tailed T test). (C) A representative pulmonary intravital image with neutrophils tracked between 20–30min post-LPS. Neutrophils (red, i.v. fluorescently conjugated anti-Ly6G, clone 1A8, 3.5μg/mouse), vasculature (greyscale, i.v. fluorescently conjugated anti-CD31, clone 390, 5μg/mouse) and blue tracks displaying 10 minutes of tracking time. (D) Individual tracks displayed from the experiment depicted in panel C. Tracks are plotted from a central common origin point.