Figure 5. NgBR over-expression recapitulates the tumorigenesis function of Ras GTPases.
Over-expression of NgBR in NIH-3T3 cells causes transformation of NIH-3T3 cells. Images of colony formation of NIH-3T3-NgBR-HA cells (A) and quantification of the results (B) are shown. Data are represented as mean ± SEM (* P< 0.05, n=3). (C) High expression of NgBR in NIH-3T3 cells promotes tumorigenesis of NIH-3T3 cells. NIH-3T3 stable cell lines were subcutaneously implanted into the flank region of nude mice. Images of the nude mice were taken 5 weeks after cell implantation (n=8). (D) HE staining of normal skin tissues and NIH-3T3-NgBR-HA tumor tissues. NIH-3T3: NIH-3T3 cells containing the control empty vector. NIH-3T3-NgBR-HA: NIH-3T3 cells highly expressing NgBR-HA.