Figure 5.
HopZ5 recognition in Nicotiana benthamiana requires acetyltransferase activity. (a) HopZ5 (WT) or mutated myristoylation (G2A), catalytic core (C218A) and autoacetylation-required (K278R) variants tagged with 3xFLAG were transiently expressed under the CaMV 35 S promoter in N. benthamiana Photographs were taken at 2 or 3 days post infiltration (dpi). Red asterisks indicate development of hypersensitive response-like cell death symptoms. This experiment was conducted six times with identical results. (b) Electrolyte leakage from N. benthamiana leaf discs triggered by Agrobacterium-mediated transient expression of HopZ5 or variants, as in (a), was determined at 0 and 2 days post infiltration (dpi). Infiltrations were carried out by blunt syringe at OD600 = 0.4 for all samples. Error bars represent standard error from four technical replicates. Asterisks indicate results of Student’s t-test between selected samples; *(P < 0.05), ***(P < 0.001). This experiment was conducted three times with identical results.