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. 2017 Jun 15;17:112. doi: 10.1186/s12883-017-0889-z

Table 2.

Overview of tests performed

Assessment Outcome measurement Comments
Physical activity
 Activity estimates Amount of physical activity estimated as Total time with meaurement, total physcal acivity, very vigorous, vigorous, modrate, light and sedentary in [hh:mm:ss] The SenseWear armband has been evaluted in children with relatively good results [58]
Climbing performance
 Route fraction Fraction [0–1] of specific test climbing route climbed Height on route is vaild method to access climbing performance and used in lead climbing competitons. We did not emoply disqialification if erroneous holds very used. Measurements a reliable to within 0.5 m, i.e. between 1/14 and 1/24 of the route fraction.
 Speed Estimate of [m/min] climbed of the test climbing route based calculated as the time from start to highest point on route incl. Breaks divided by the estiamated amount of meters climbed from ground to highest point on route. Time on route is used in climbing competitions to separte climber reaching the same hold on a route. Our measurements were based on total tome on route incl. Breaks, and may therefore not reflect actual climbing speed, but the time spend on the route in total, we believe reflect climbing peformance to some extend. Measurements of time on route are reliable to within 1 s.
 Errors (Hands / Feet) Count [#] of number of times a hold not part of the test route was used either with the hands or the feet. This measurement may not directly access climbing performance.
Functional tests
 Sit-to-stand Count [#] of sit-stands on 30s This test is usually done in elderly but also in children with CP to access lower body strenght. Minimum Detectable Change in children with CP is 1.8 rep/30s (based on estimates from [59] where a 5 times STS was performed).It is a reliable and valid test to measure functional strength in children with spastic diplegia [59]
 Romberg Area of sway [mm] of center of gravity in 30s with eyes open and closed The test reflect balance abilites.
Physiological tests
 Hand strength Whole hand pinch strength in [N] The test acceses whole hand strength. The mesurements are reliable to within 5 N.
 Pinch strength Index-tumb finger pinch strength in [N] The test acceses finger strength. The mesurements are highly reliable.
 RFD 0–30 ms Rate of force increase [N/s] in the first 30 ms after onset of a fast pinch RFD measurements are the golden standard to measure explosive strength. Our equipment has high reliability.
 RFD 0–50 ms Rate of force increase [N/s] in the first 50 ms after onset of a fast pinch Do
 RFD 0–100 ms Rate of force increase [N/s] in the first 100 ms after onset of a fast pinch Do
 RFD 0–200 ms Rate of force increase [N/s] in the first 200 ms after onset of a fast pinch Do
 Finger pinch Synchronisation of muscle activity between FDI and APB muscles measured as coherence C(λ) FDI-ABF = |f FDI-ABP (λ)| /(f FDI-FDI (λ)f APB-APB (λ). Statistics is done on calculations of log transforms of areas under C(λ) in the interval λ = 15–30 Hz The assessment partly reflect synchronisation between cortex and muscles, and is therefore an estimate of efficient of efficient motor unit recruitment [60].
 Ankle Dorsiflexion Synchronisation of TA muscle activity between two electrodes TA1 and TA2 measured as coherence C(λ) FDI-ABF = |f TA1-TA2 (λ)| /(f TA1-TA1 (λ)f TA2-TA2 (λ). Statistics is done on calculations of log transforms of areas under C(λ) in the interval λ = 15–30 Hz The assessment partly reflect synchronisation between cortex and muscles, and is therefore an estimate of efficient of efficient motor unit recruitment [60].
Ankle joint
 Stiffness Nm/degree The evaluation of ROM and the ankle stiffness was performed by moving the foot from a plantar flexed position to a maximal dorsal flexed position while the participant trying to relax. The movements were made at a slow velocity (<20/s)
 ROM Range of motion in degrees
 Strength Nm/degree The maximal force registered during a static contraction was used to reflect strength.
Cognitive tests
 Detection Reaction time [ms], accuracy [% correct], normalized score [AU] The assessment tests reaction time as a basic psychomotor function. The measurements based on computer registrations are very reliable.
 Identification Reaction time [ms], accuracy [% correct], normalized score [AU] The assessment tests choice reaction time and reflects attention. The measurements based on computer registrations are very reliable.
 1-back Reaction time [ms], accuracy [% correct], normalized reaction time [AU], normalized accuracy The assessment reflect working memory capacities. The measurements based on computer registrations are very reliable.
 Chase Clicks pr. sec. [#] Test the ability to use a computer mouse. The measurements based on computer registrations are very reliable.
 Maze Total number of error [#], normalized score [AU] The assessment refect visual spatial memory and is a measurement of executive functions.The measurements based on computer registrations are very reliable.
 PAL Number of errors [#] The assessments tests paired associative learning. The measurements based on computer registrations are very reliable.
 Overall Normalized scores [0–9] The assessment is a self-evaluation test which has tested in more than 1500 school children.
 Physical abilities Normalized scores [0–9] Do
 Skills and abilities Normalized scores [0–9] Do
 Mental well-being Normalized scores [0–9] Do
 Relationship to parents Normalized scores [0–9] Do
 Relationship to others Normalized scores [0–9] Do