Table 6.
Turkish visiting scholars
Name of scholar | Aim/study area/project name | Time periods |
Imatullah Akyar, PhD, RN (HU) | Develop knowledge and skills for research in palliative and geriatric care | December 2013 to April 2015 |
Zeliha Ozdemir, PhD, RN (HU) | Heart transplantation | June to August 2014 |
Fatma Uslu Sahan, PhD student, RN (HU) | Simulation for education in gynecologic oncology in palliative care | June to October 2015 |
Zehra Gok Metin, PhD, RN (HU) | Gaining knowledge in palliative care, gerontology, and pain management Complementary and alternative medicine in heart failure | June to March 2016 |
Gulcan Bagcivan, PhD, RN (TUBITAK - Gulhane Training and Research Hospital) | Developing research and practice, knowledge and skills in palliative care of hospitalized cancer patients Hematology/oncology palliative care study Looking back, moving forward: A retrospective review of care trends in an academic palliative and supportive care program from 2004 to 2015 |
November 2015 to July 2017 |
Senay Gul, PhD, RN (HU) | Investigation of the factors affecting the decision-making processes of caregivers at the end of life | May 2016 to March 2017 |
HU: Hacettepe University