Figure 2. Comparison of self-awareness of memory across Aβ groups in cognitively normal and MCI patients.
CN=Cognitively normal; MCI= mild cognitive impairment; Aβ− = low amounts of amyloid; Aβ+ = high amount of amyloid. A PiB DVR threshold of 1.2 was used as cut-off in both groups. Cognitively normal individuals with high amounts of amyloid demonstrate increased self-awareness of memory (hypernosognosia) as compared to cognitively normal individuals without amyloid deposition. MCI patients with high amounts of amyloid demonstrate decreased self-awareness of memory (anosognosia) as compared to cognitively normal individuals without amyloid deposition. No difference in self-awareness of memory between cognitively normal individuals without amyloid burden and MCI individuals without amyloid deposition was found. Mean and 95% confidence interval. Analysis was controlled for age, gender, education and GDS. ***p<0.001.