Figure 4. Comparison of mm-scale textural features of home plate opaline silica rocks and El Tatio silica sinter samples.
(a) Fragments dubbed Norma Luker (MI image, sol 1291) from the disturbed outcrop seen in Fig. 1d display a texture like that of El Tatio sinter breccia in b. (c) Another disturbed outcrop fragment, dubbed Innocent Bystander (MI image, sol 1251), displays microporosity and possible coated grains like that of the underside of El Tatio silica nodule in d. (e) The variably textured surfaces of Elizabeth Mahon (MI image, cropped from Fig. 3e) are similar to those of El Tatio silica nodule in f, which is the topside of the one shown in d. White scale bar represents 1 cm and applies to all images.