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. 2017 Jun 3;15:525–540. doi: 10.1016/j.nicl.2017.06.005

Table 5.

Results of the fMRI data on the three-step model of humor comprehension contrasts.

Contrast/side/brain region Healthy controls (n = 20)
Schizophrenia outpatients (n = 20)
BA k MNI (x; y; z) Pseudo-t BA k MNI (x; y; z) Pseudo-t
 Activations (ABS > NEU)
 L ventromedial Inferior Frontal Gyrus 11/47 15 − 24; 41; − 10 5.38
 R ventromedial Inferior Frontal Gyrus 11/47 13 27; 38; − 10 4.56
 R dorsal Anterior Cingulate Cortex 24 12 9; − 4; 29 3.88
 Deactivations (ABS < NEU)
 L ventrolateral Inferior Frontal Gyrus 47/10 62 − 42; 47; − 7 4.99
 R ventrolateral Inferior Frontal Gyrus 47/10 17 48; 47; − 7 4.62
 L > R dorsomedial Superior Frontal Gyrus/Middle Frontal Gyrus 8/9 828 − 12; 32; 59 6.46 6 10 − 12; 20; 62 3.44
 L dorsolateral Middle Frontal Gyrus 8/9 18 − 42; 8; 50 4.12
 R dorsolateral Middle Frontal Gyrus 8/9 30 42; 23; 38 3.89
 R anterior Middle Temporal Gyrus/Temporal Pole 21/38 52 51; 11; − 28 6.25
 R posterior Middle Temporal Gyrus/Superior Temporal Gyrus 21/22 16 36; − 1; − 16 3.37
15 42; − 37; 11 3.90
 L dorsolateral Inferior Parietal Lobe/Angular/Supramarginal Gyrus 40 41 − 51; − 58; 44 4.13
 R Inferior Parietal Lobe 40 50 36; − 43; 26 4.51
 L Middle Occipital Gyrus 18 22 − 15; − 100; 5 4.44 19 14 − 6; − 94; 8 3.81
 R Middle Occipital Gyrus 18 15 15; − 97; 11 3.79 19 38 27; − 85; 8 4.35
12 27; − 73; 20 3.76
16 36; − 70; − 7 3.30
 Activations (FUN > ABS)
 L > R dorsomedial Superior Frontal Gyrus 8/9 1608 − 6; 38; 41 10.40 8/9 46 − 12; 44; 47 4.60
 L posterior Middle Temporal Gyrus 21 23 − 63; − 37; − 1 3.70
 L posterior Superior Temporal Gyrus 22 40 − 48; − 28; − 1 4.58
 R anterior Middle Temporal Gyrus/Temporal Pole 21/38 701 51; 11; − 28 7.38 38 37 48; 8; − 22 4.59
 R posterior Middle Temporal Gyrus/Superior Temporal Gyrus 21/22 110 51; − 19; − 7 5.22
14 72; − 19; − 4 3.77
 L Temporo-Parietal Junction 39 40 2060 − 51; − 64; 32 8.24 39/40 236 − 57; − 58; 17 5.47
 R Temporo-Parietal Junction 39/40 355 54; − 52; 26 7.36 39/40 107 54; − 61; 23 4.62
 L > R Precuneus 31 189 − 9; − 49; 38 5.27 31 31 0; − 55; 32 4.55
 L posterior Cerebellum 64 − 24; − 79; − 31 5.07
 L > R Caudate nucleus 131 − 12; 14; 14 4.83
 Deactivations (FUN < ABS)
 R dorsolateral Inferior Frontal Gyrus 46/10 20 42; 41; 11 4.71
 R ventromedial Inferior Frontal Gyrus 11/47 34 21; 41; − 7 4.70
 L ventromedial Inferior Frontal Gyrus 47/11 25 − 21; 44; − 10 4.55
 Activations (FUN > NEU)
 L ventrolateral Inferior Frontal Gyrus 45 12 − 45; 23; − 1 3.73
 L anterior Middle Temporal Gyrus/Superior Temporal Gyrus 21 16 − 57; − 4; − 13 4.06
 R anterior Middle Temporal Gyrus/Temporal Pole 21/38 119 51; − 1; − 31 4.38
 R posterior Middle Temporal Gyrus/Superior Temporal Gyrus 22 17 54; − 16; − 7 4.34
 L Temporo-Parietal Junction 39/40 381 − 54; − 61; 26 5.49 39/40 191 − 57; − 55; 14 4.33
 R Temporo-Parietal Junction 39/40 59 60; − 52; 26 4.68 39/40 11 57; − 55; 20 4.58
 Deactivations (FUN < NEU)
 R dorsolateral Inferior Frontal Gyrus 46/10 21 42; 44; 17 4.51
 R orbital Superior Frontal Gyrus 10 11 24; 56; − 1 3.62

List of brain regions revealed by within-group's contrasts during humor comprehension process. Statistical analysis utilized a non-parametric whole-brain voxel-wise Pseudo-t-test. Localizations are reported as local maximum threshold with k ≥ 10 voxels extent threshold and with False Discovery Rate (FDR) correction at alpha = 0.0500, or uncorrected at alpha = 0.0010. L – left hemisphere; R – right hemisphere; BA – Brodmann's area; k – number of voxels in analyzed cluster size; MNI - Montreal Neurological Institute coordinates.