Table 7.
Between-group differences in brain activations during humor processing.
Contrast | Healthy controls > Schizophrenia outpatients |
side/brain region | BA | k | MNI (x; y; z) | Pseudo-t | |
1. Incongruity detection (ABS vs NEU) | R posterior Superior Temporal Gyrus | 41 | 40 | 42; − 40; 11 | 3.78 |
2. Incongruity resolution and elaboration (FUN vs ABS) & Comprehension rating* | L dorsomedial Middle Frontal Gyrus/Superior Frontal Gyrus | 8/9 | 21 | − 9; 38; 38 | 4.34 |
40* | − 6; 38; 38* | 4.13* | |||
3. Complete humor processing (FUN vs NEU) & Funniness rating* | L > R interhemispheric dorsal Anterior Cingulate Cortex | 24 | 35 | − 6; 2; 26 | 3.75 |
10* | − 3; − 1; 29* | 2.98* |
List of brain regions revealed by between-group contrasts during humor comprehension process and with comprehensibility and funniness ratings analyzed as parametric modulators (*). Statistical analysis utilized a non-parametric whole-brain voxel-wise Pseudo-t-test. Localizations are reported as local maximum threshold with k ≥ 10 voxels extent threshold and with False Discovery Rate (FDR) correction at alpha = 0.0500, or uncorrected at alpha = 0.0010. L – left hemisphere; R – right hemisphere; BA – Brodmann's area; k – number of voxels in analyzed cluster size; MNI - Montreal Neurological Institute coordinates.