Helminthosporium juglandinum. A. Colony in face view. B. Punctiform conidiomata in face view. C. Conidiomata in side view with column-like subcortical stromata representing transformed conidiomata of Diaporthe. D, E. Conidiophores, in E with young apical conidium. F–I. Conidiophore apices with apical conidia in H, I. J. Thick-walled stroma cells in section. K. Conidiophore base (arrow) and stroma cells. L. Conidiophores on stroma in section. M–G1. Vital conidia. All in water. A–C, G, P, Q, S, T, V–Y, B1–D1, F1, G1. WU 38845 (holotype); D, Z, E1. WU 38844; E, F, J–L. WU 35975; H, I, M–O, R. WU 38847; U, A1. WU 38848. Scale bars: A = 5 mm; B = 500 μm; C = 100 μm; D, E = 20 μm; F–K, M–G1 = 10 μm; L = 50 μm.