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. 2017 Jun 2;19(6):e192. doi: 10.2196/jmir.7012

Table 4.

Summary of multiple regression results predicting change in average step counts.

Model parameter b Standard error (b) Beta P
Intercept −139.97 98.39 - .16
Time −24.98 15.84 −0.018 .12
Baseline physical activitya −0.13 0.01 −0.239 <.001
Group: financial incentivesb 3.71 80.30 .002 .96
Group: charitable incentivesb 5.42 81.85 .001 .95
Feedback signc −84.28 78.74 −0.062 .28

aBaseline physical activity was centered before entering the model.

bGroup membership was represented as 2 dummy variables with the control group serving as the reference group.

cFeedback sign was represented as 1 dummy variable with negative feedback serving as the reference group.