Fig. 6.
Single-plane laser scanning confocal photomicrographs in transverse sections of a 19-somite P0-Cre embryo. Sections were immunostained using an antibody against Cre (green) and were double labeled with SOX9 (purple, A–E). C–D are higher magnification images of trigeminal NC (C, tn), branchial arch 1 (D, ba1), and optic eminence (D, oe). Arrows (A) point to Cre+ cells that were co-labeled with SOX9 in the forebrain. Arrows (C–E) point to Cre+ cells co-labeled with SOX9 in trigeminal NC regions (tn, C), branchial arch 1 (ba1, D), and optic eminence (oe, E). Arrowheads in E point to SOX9+ cells without Cre immunosignals. Scale bars: 50 μm, also applies to other images in the same panel.