Figure 1.
Adventitious rooting ability of adult phase (Mx-A), juvenile phase (Mx-J) and rejuvenated (Mx-R) leafy cuttings of Malus xiaojinensis. (A) Morphological features, (B) rooting percent, (C) adventitious root number, and (D) adventitious root length of Mx-A, Mx-J, and Mx-R cuttings at 35 d of IBA or control treatments. Scale bars = 20 mm in (A). (B–D) Bars show SD from three biological replicates. n = 50 individuals in each replicate. Asterisks indicate significant difference from the Mx-A (Student's t-test, **P < 0.01, *P < 0.05). (E) Histological features of Mx-A, Mx-J, and Mx-R cuttings during adventitious root formation at 14 days (upper) and 28 days (bottom) after IBA treatment. Toluidine Blue-stained cross section of the stem of Mx-A, Mx-J, and Mx-R at 14 and 28 days after IBA treatment. Arrows indicate emerging adventitious root initials. Scale bars = 200 μm in (E).