Figure 8. Spatial energy distribution of the asymmetrically deposited graphene.
(a) Schematic picture of the asymmetrically deposited graphene sheet. The blue atoms denote the deposited nanoparticles. We set in our simulation L=17 nm, W=5 nm, LR=4 nm and d=0.335 nm. There are 400 heavy atoms deposited on the left side of the graphene sheet. The small black arrow indicates the plus direction J+ with lower heat flux, while the big red arrow indicates the minus direction J− with higher heat flux. (b) Spatial energy distribution for the plus direction. (c) Spatial energy distribution for the minus direction. Here Th and Tc denote the high and low temperatures at two ends of graphene, and the spatial energy distribution includes those propagating phonon modes with the participation ratio larger than 0.4. The dashed box in the figure denotes the deposited nanoparticles region. Similarly, the simulation results confirm that E4<E1, E3<E2, that is, the local energy E of propagating modes is always smaller in case (b) than that in case (c) at both high-temperature and low-temperature ends.