Radar plot profiling for characterizing global health burden in individuals with constant tinnitus. Two tinnitus cases are represented in the radar plots. (A) A 72-year-old male subject with high loudness and awareness values displays high-frequency hearing loss but little tinnitus-associated burden. (B) A 31-year-old male subject with no hearing loss shows high loudness and awareness scores but with mild/moderate THI scores, moderate depression and anxiety, and severe stress scores. Domains of tinnitus-related burden are grouped in the dark blue region, hearing loss comorbidities in light blue, emotional comorbidities in orange region, and health-related quality of life in yellow. Instruments are labeled as follows: THI, tinnitus-related psychological distress; Lo, tinnitus loudness; Aw, tinnitus awareness; An, tinnitus annoyance; TCS, tinnitus catastrophizing; FTQ, tinnitus fears; LF, low frequency hearing in the left (-L) and right (-R) ears; HF, high-frequency hearing in the left (-L) and right (-R) ears; S, stress; A, anxiety; D, depression scores; Qph, Quality of Life for physical; Qps, psychological, Qso, social; Qen, environment. Color dots illustrate the severity score of those instruments with published severity category boundaries: negligible (green), moderate (orange), and severe (red).