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. 2017 Jun 19;12(6):e0176449. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0176449

Table 2. Predictors of online-sex use (N = 2,369).

Predictors B SE Beta t Sign. ΔR2
Block 1 .11***
Sex -.38 .04 -.22 -11.04 .000
Age -.01 .00 -.23 -11.26 .000
Unemployment .22 .07 .06 3.20 .001
Partnership .04 .02 .06 1.86 .064
Marital status .04 .06 .02 0.60 .549
Block 2 .03***
Sex -.38 .04 -.21 -10.51 .000
Age -.01 .00 -.19 -8.89 .000
Unemployment .15 .07 .04 2.14 .032
Partnership .01 .06 .00 0.12 .902
Marital status .04 .02 .06 1.68 .093
Anxious attachment .10 .02 .11 5.23 .000
Avoidant attachment -.01 .02 -.01 -0.40 .689
(BFI-10) Conscientiousness -.15 .02 -.13 -6.07 .000
(BFI-10) Agreeableness -.05 .03 -.04 -2.03 .043
(BFI-10) Openness .01 .02 .01 0.67 .502
(BFI-10) Extraversion .04 .02 .04 1.63 .104
(BFI-10) Neuroticism -.04 .03 -.04 -1.67 .095
Overall .14***

- Note

***p ≤ .001; Sex: 1 = male, 2 = female; Unemployment: 0 = no, 1 = yes: Partnership: 1 = living with partner, 2 = living without partner; Marital status: 1 = married and living together, 2 = married, living separately, 3 = single, 4 = divorced, 5 = widowed. BFI-10 = Big Five Inventory, 10 item version.