Cambridge Cognitive Battery (CAMCOG) performance relates to brain-PAD, according to [11C]-PiB status. Scatterplot of CAMCOG score (x-axis) against brain-PAD (y-axis) in DS participants indicate PiB-positive individuals (filled red circles) and PiB-negative individuals (open red circles). Plotted are linear fit lines of CAMCOG score regressed onto brain-PAD for each group (PiB-positive: solid line; PiB-negative: dashed line), to illustrate the interaction between brain-PAD and PiB-status in predicting CAMCOG score. Abbreviations: [11C]-PiB, [11C]-Pittsburgh compound B; brain-PAD, brain-predicted age difference. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the Web version of this article.)