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. 2017 Jun 5;5(6):e77. doi: 10.2196/mhealth.7628

Table 2.

Sociodemographic characteristics, health behaviors, body mass index, diagnosed chronic diseases, and health app possession of respondents who owned smartphones or tablets.

Demographics Smartphone or tablet
owners (n=4129), n (%)
Smartphone or tablet
nonowners (n=951), n (%)
P valuea

Male 1733 (41.97) 347 (36.5)

Female 2396 (58.03) 604 (63.5) .002

18-24 704 (17.05) 2 (0.2)

25-34 559 (13.54) 2 (0.2)

35-44 582 (14.10) 12 (1.3)

45-54 792 (19.18) 49 (5.2)

55-64 825 (19.98) 160 (16.8)

65 or above 667 (16.15) 726 (76.3) <.001
Marital status

Single 1324 (32.07) 62 (6.5)

Married/cohabitating 2483 (60.14) 586 (61.6)

Divorced/widowed 322 (7.80) 303 (31.9) <.001
Educational attainment

Primary or below 449 (10.87) 559 (58.8)

Secondary 1823 (44.15) 308 (32.4)

Tertiary or above 1857 (44.97) 84 (8.8)
Employment status

Full-time 1554 (37.64) 56 (5.9) <.001

Part-time 368 (8.91) 43 (4.5)

Self-employed 219 (5.30) 6 (0.6)

Unemployed 1988 (48.15) 846 (89.0)
Monthly household income (HK$)

<10,000 529 (14.30) 508 (62.8)

10,000-19,999 648 (17.52) 127 (15.7)

20,000-29,999 673 (18.19) 94 (11.6)

30,000-39,999 570 (15.41) 34 (4.2)

40,000 or above 1279 (34.58) 46 (5.7) <.001
Smoking status

Nonsmoker 3416 (82.77) 739 (77.7)

Current smoker 357 (8.65) 75 (7.9)

Ex-smoker 354 (8.58) 137 (14.4) <.001
Alcohol use

Never 1850 (44.82) 631 (66.4)

Occasional 1224 (29.65) 137 (14.4)

1-3 days/month 532 (12.89) 31 (3.3)

1 day or more/week 403 (9.76) 50 (5.3)

Ex-drinker 119 (2.88) 102 (10.7) <.001
Moderate physical activity

None 2103 (50.99) 660 (69.4)

1-3 days/week 1077 (26.12) 81 (8.5)

4 days or more/week 944 (22.89) 210 (22.1) <.001
Body mass index

<18.5 321 (10.30) 101 (12.2)

18.5-<23 1575 (50.55) 376 (45.4)

23-<25 576 (18.49) 162 (19.5)

>25 644 (20.67) 190 (22.9) .06
Diagnosed chronic diseases

Yes 1223 (29.62) 590 (62.0)

No 2906 (70.38) 361 (38.0) <.001
Health app possession

Yes 995 (24.10) 0 (0.0)

No 3134 (75.90) 951 (100.0) <.001

aP for two-sided chi-square tests.