Figure 7.
Steered molecular dynamics simulations of the titin I27 (I91 in the new nomenclature39) domain. a. Structure obtained after constant‐velocity pulling to 30 Å extension. b. Structure of I27 obtained after further stretch of the domain for 50 ns with a constant 5 pN force. c. Extension versus simulation time function of I27 obtained in a two‐phase experiment: constant‐velocity stretch followed by a constant‐force phase. In the initial, 30‐ns‐long phase (dark gray) the domain was extended with a rate of 1 Å/ns. In the constant‐force phase the domain was held at either 0 (red), 5 (orange), 20 (green) or 150 pN (blue) of force, respectively. d. Residue contact map of the native (left) and extended structures (right) of I27. The latter map corresponds to the structure with 30 Å extension and the map does not change during the 50 ns simulations applying 0, 5 and 20 pN constant force.