Figure 5.
Total amount of sGAG of BrM/Ch samples from 9-month-old mice. Error bars indicate the mean ± SD. n = 5 mice per genotype. *P < 0.05 comparing to the value of Efemp1+/+ mice. +/+, Efemp1+/+; ki/ki, Efemp1ki/ki; −/−, Efemp1−/−.
Total amount of sGAG of BrM/Ch samples from 9-month-old mice. Error bars indicate the mean ± SD. n = 5 mice per genotype. *P < 0.05 comparing to the value of Efemp1+/+ mice. +/+, Efemp1+/+; ki/ki, Efemp1ki/ki; −/−, Efemp1−/−.