Fig 1. Model structure.
(A) The motor cortex sends motor signals to the spinal cord neuronal network which sends its outputs to the muscles. The spinal cord combines motor signals with afferent feedback to generate the motorneuron outputs. (B) Organization of interconnections between Renshaw cells (RC), motoneurons (MN) and other interneurons in the spinal cord network. Motoneurons send their outputs to their corresponding arm muscles. Ia and Ib inputs are the feedback signals from the muscles. (C) A 2-joint arm with six muscles: four major flexor and extensor muscles about the shoulder and elbow joints, and two biarticular muscles controlling both shoulder and elbow joints. SF, EF and BF represent shoulder, elbow and biarticular flexors, and SE, EE and BE represent shoulder, elbow and biarticular extensors, respectively.