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. 2017 Jun 20;12(6):e0179283. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0179283

Table 2. Cognitive results among the HD patients and controls a.

Non-HD individuals HD patients
No metformin (No diabetes) Metformin (Type 2 diabetes) No metformin (No diabetes) Metformin (Type 2 diabetes)
Cognitive function change Pre- manifest Motor- manifest Pre- manifest Motor- manifest Cognitive function change b
UHDRS Motorscore 1.97 (3.32) 1 (0, 3) 2.78 (3.94) 1 (0, 4) - 3.96 (5.84) 2 (0, 6) 40.99 (22.39) 37 (24, 55) 3.67 (4.59) 3 (0, 5.5) 37.73 (18.7) 36 (25, 48) -
Symbol Digit Modality Test 49.97 (11.55) 51 (44, 57) 42.63 (13.05) 44 (34, 52) -14.7% 48.75 (12.8) 50 (41, 57) 21.82 (13.31) 21 (13, 30) 44.56 (12.5) 45 (36, 52.5) 22.52 (13) 22 (13, 30) +3.2%
Trail Making Test 59.27 (34.61) 49 (39, 69) 83.19 (57.14) 63 (47.75, 93.25) -40.4% 61.65 (35.7) 52 (40, 70.75) 156.94 (74.44) 151 (91, 240) 72.21 (56.14) 54 (42.25, 68.5) 157.18 (67.79) 150 (96.5, 240) -0.2%
Verbal Fluency Test 21.66 (5.35) 22 (18, 25) 19.59 (6.03) 20 (16, 23) -9.6% 20.94 (5.82) 21 (17, 25) 11.49 (5.91) 11 (7, 15) 19.46 (5.36) 19 (15, 22.5) 12.07 (5.7) 11 (8, 15) +5.0%
Stroop Interference Test 42.39 (11.19) 42 (35, 49) 36.08 (9.99) 35.5 (29, 43.25) -14.9% 42.61 (11.27) 43 (35, 50) 22.79 (11.9) 22 (15, 30) 37.18 (11.52) 39.5 (29.25, 46.5) 23.46 (13.73) 22 (15, 29.75) +2.9%
Stroop Color Naming Test 74.95 (14.81) 75 (65, 84) 69.96 (14.56) 69.5 (61, 78) -6.7% 71.83 (15.96) 72 (62, 82) 39.93 (19.49) 40 (28, 52) 64.85 (15.81) 67 (53, 77) 40.89 (16.62) 40 (29.75, 50) +2.4%
Stroop Word Reading Test 95.04 (18) 96 (85, 105) 86.42 (18.79) 86 (79, 99) -9.1% 91.38 (20.01) 93 (80, 103) 52.58 (24.26) 53 (37, 69) 83.41 (20.99) 85 (74, 96.5) 51.7 (21.33) 50 (37.5, 65) -1.7%
Cognitive Score 285.26 (46.69) 285 (255, 314) 258.38 (50.88) 255 (228, 287.5) -9.4% 275.86 (54.09) 279 (241, 312) 158.16 (63.26) 155 (117, 199) 250.55 (58.16) 263.5 (219.3, 289) 158.44 (56.87) 154 (113.25, 191.5) +0.2%

a Controls include family controls and genotype negative individuals.

b The comparison in performance between HD patients that take metformin and HD patients that do not has been done only with motor-manifest patients.