VEGF regulates collagen α1(I) and Fn1 protein levels. (A, B) Representative immunofluorescence images and data analyses of cells treated with 1μg/ml of VEGF neutralizing antibody or with 25 ng/ml of rVEGF. (n= 3; *, #, P<0.01; **, ##, P<0.05; where *,** vs. wt (Antxr1+/+) and #, ##
vs. ko (Antxr1−/−)). Scale bar is100 μm; veh-vehicle. For each condition, 3–6 fields from duplicate plates were used for analysis, covering a total of 180 to 240 cells. The percentage of areas stained with antibodies against collagen α1(I) or fibronectin, was normalized to 100 cells.