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. 2017 Jun 8;32(2):154–163. doi: 10.1264/jsme2.ME16132

Fig. 3.

Fig. 3

Dendrogram of bradyrhizobial community structures of microcosms in 30- and 60-d incubations. The dendrogram was constructed by the Ward method using Bray–Curtis Indices as distances among communities.

Community nomenclature is a five-part name denoting soil type (A for ADS, G for GLS), the water status (N for non-flooded, F for flooded), bradyrhizobial strain variant (W for a wild-type possessing the nosZ gene and D for a mutant of the same strain that lacks the nosZ gene), temperature (H for 30°C, M for 25°C, and L for 20°C), and incubation period (30 for 30 d and 60 for 60 d); hence, ANW_H_30 indicates a microcosm with andosol, non-flooding conditions, the WT set, incubated at a high temperature for 30 d.