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. 2017 May 1;56(9):1029–1035. doi: 10.2169/internalmedicine.56.7812

Table 2.

Reported Cases of Ganglyocytic Paraganglioma of the Duodenum (2007-2016, n=45).

No. ref. Age Sex Symptom at onset Location Size (mm) Macroscopic-type Depth LN Treatment Status, Follow-up period (mth)
1 10 51 M fatigue, dyspnea MPV 14 polypoid mass N.A (-) ER NED, 14
2 11 66 M epigastralgia, vomiting minor papilla 20 SMT SM (-) ER NED, 24
3 12 53 M no symptom 2nd portion 13 pedunculated SMT SM N.A ER N.A
4 13 75 F melena, anemia 2nd portion 40 pedunculated tumor N.A (-) LapTDTR NED, 24
5 14 38 F abdominal pain near MPV 15 polypoid MP (+) ER → PPPD N.A
6 15 48 M abdominal pain 2nd portion 35 subepithelial tumor N.A N.A local excision N.A
7 16 67 M no symptom MPV 15 ball-like lesion N.A N.A LTDR N.A
8 17 17 F abdominal pain, weight loss 2nd~3rd portion N.A mass SS (+) PPPD N.A
9 18 60s M no symptom anal of MPV 25 polypoid SMT SM N.A PD NED, 12
10 19 70 F abdominal pain near MPV 19 polypoid mass N.A N.A ER → LTDR NED, 48
11 20 56 F melena MPV 25 SMT MP (-) PPPD NED, 16
12 21 61 M epigastralgia, melena MPV 30 lobulated SMT MP (+) PPPD NED, 6
13 22 52 M vomitting 3rd portion 35 SMT MP (-) LTDR N.A
14 23 62 F abdominal pain MPV 20 polypoid mass SM (-) laparotomy NED, 12
15 24 61 M abdominal pain, weight loss 2nd portion 15 submucosal nodule N.A (+) PPPD NED, 12
16 25 33 F abdominal pain, vomitting MPV 39 polypoid mass N.A N.A local excision NED, 12
17 26 16 M melena, dyspnea MPV 35 polypoid MP (+) PPPD NED, 36
18 27 20 F melena, anemia 2nd portion 50 polypoid mass MP (-) PPPD NED, 11
19 28 52 F N.A near minor papilla 10 nodular mass MP (+) PD alive*, 27
20 29 53 M abdominal pain, vomitting MPV 25 SMT N.A (-) LTDR N.A$
21 30 51 F melena, anemia MPV 25 polypoid mass SS (+) PD NED, 96
22 31 54 F no symptom near MPV 15 SMT N.A N.A LTDR NED, 30
23 32 16 M abdominal pain, weight loss 3rd portion 25 pedunculated SMT SM (-) LTDR NED, 15
24 33 67 M melena, anemia 2nd portion 30 submucosal nodule SM (-) local excision NED, 15
25 34 57 M abdominal pain, vomitting MPV 30 mass N.A (+) laparotomy alive*, 8
26 35 56 F abdominal pain, weight loss near MPV 18 mass N.A (+) PPPD N.A
27 36 32 M melena 2nd portion 23 SMT SM N.A LTDR N.A
28 37 92 F jaundice near MPV 20 SMT SM (-) ER N.A
29 38 72 F weight loss near MPV 37 polypoid mass SM (-) local excision NED, 17
30 2 47 M abdominal pain near MPV 30 mass pancreas (+) PD dead, 13#
31 39 56 F dyspepsia near MPV 29 subepithelial tumor N.A N.A ER NED, 6
32 " 56 F anemia 2nd portion 50 lobulated mass N.A N.A ER → LTDR NED, 30
33 " 46 F no symptom MPV N.A enlarged papilla N.A N.A ER NED, 23
34 " 70 M no symptom 2nd portion 20 subepithelial tumor N.A (-) ER NED, 12
35 3 50 M abdominal pain MPV 30 mass SM N.A LTDR NED, 36
36 40 47 M abdominal pain MPV 40 polypoid pancreas (+) PD NED, 24
37 41 48 M melena, weight loss 4th portion 40 polypoid SM N.A SD NED, 24
38 42 48 M no symptom 2nd portion 15 subepithelial tumor SM N.A ER N.A
39 43 41 F abdominal pain MPV 20 polypoid SM (-) ER NED, 6
40 44 38 M hematochezia, anemia 2nd portion 15 polypoid SM (-) local excision NED, 12
41 45 70 M no symptom MPV 23 SMT SM (-) LTDR N.A
42 46 50 M melena 3rd portion 25 SMT MP (-) LTDR N.A
43 47 42 M melena, dizziness 3rd portion 30 polypoid SM N.A local excision not followed
44 " 49 M abdominal pain MPV 40 mass pancreas (+) PD NED, 36
45 48 45 M abdominal pain, melena MPV 15 mass (pedunculated) SM (+) LTDR alive, 3**

F: female, M: male, LN: lymph node metastasis, MPV: major papilla Vater, ER: endoscopic resection, PD: pancreaticoduodenectomy, PPPD: pylorus-preserving pancreaticoduodenectomy, NED: no evidence of disease, SMT: submucosal tumor, SM: submucosa, MP: muscular propria, SS: subserosa, LapTDR: laparoscopic transduodenal resection, LTDR: laparotomic

transduodenal resection, SD: segmental duodenectomy, *alive with liver metastasis, **alive with regional lymph node recurrence, $accompanied with esophageal adenocarcinoma, #died of disease with metastasis to the pelvis and liver