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. 2017 Jun 20;7:3905. doi: 10.1038/s41598-017-03568-1

Table 6.

Results of Kolmogorov-Smirnov (K-S) tests of differences between pairs of fish length density distributions sampled by region and depth strata.

Aprion virescens Caranx melampygus Caranx ignobilis Carcharhinus galapagensis Triaenodon obesus
Region, Depth Strata D Statistic P D Statistic P D Statistic P D Statistic P D Statistic P
MHI, NWHI (Totals) 0.4465 0.0014 0.4915 0.0014 0.6341 0.0092
MHI 0–30 m, MHI 30–100 m 0.3571 0.5412 0.7200 0.0007
MHI 0–30 m, NWHI 0–30 m 0.7143 0.0094 0.6400 0.0026
MHI 0–30 m, NWHI 30–100 m 0.6717 0.0082 0.7200 0.0002
MHI 30–100 m, NWHI 0–30 m 0.4841 0.0213 0.4167 0.2719 0.4444 0.1745
MHI 30–100 m, NWHI 30–100 m 0.4019 0.0299 0.4610 0.1457 1.0000 <0.0001
NWHI 0–30 m, NWHI 30–100 m 0.3202 0.1020 0.4167 0.2119 0.6296 0.0013 1.0000 <0.0001 0.5000 0.2562

Bonferroni corrections were applied to for multiple depth comparisons (Aprion virescens and Caranx melampygus, α = 0.0083; Caranx ignobilis, α = 0.017). Values in bold are significant at <0.05.