Figure 3.
Thrombin generation assay and the effect of CLA on various parameters during thrombin generation. Thrombin generation in PRP was investigated as a procoagulant function of the intracellular Ca2+ level changes. The dotted line corresponds to nonactivated sample, the dashed line represents the CLA-pretreated nonactivated sample, black line marks the TRAP-activated sample, and CLA pretreatment on TRAP-activated sample is represented by the grey line (a). Lagtime (b) and time to peak (c) values were observed during TRAP-elicited platelet activation peak thrombin (d) and velocity index (e) values are informative about the amount and speed of generated thrombin. Nonactivated and activated samples are indicated with open bars and CLA-preincubated samples with black bars. The results are the mean and standard deviation (SD) of 5 different experiments. Statistical significance was assessed by paired t-test. ∗∗p < 0.01; ∗∗∗p < 0.001. ns = nonsignificant.