Figure 2. Diversity of individual microfibril movements during cell wall extension.
a, AFM Peakforce error images showing the dynamics of microfibril kinking during four points in the extension series. b, Average changes in kink angles between consecutive points in the extension series. Error bar = SEM, 28 ≤ n ≤ 41 from three replicate experiments. All means are significantly different from zero. c, An example of lateral separation of two microfibrils during elastic extension. Note that axially-oriented microfibrils draw closer together, correlating with transverse compression. d, An example of independent motions (sliding and separation) of microfibrils in adjacent lamellae during Cel12A-creep. e, An example of axial shearing (side-by-side gliding) of microfibrils during elastic extension. f, Diagram to clarify axial shearing of microfibrils. In a, c, d and e, yellow lines were added to highlight microfibrils of interest. These four classes of motions were observed during plastic, elastic and Cel12A-induced movements.