Table 1. Colocalization of histochemical markers in E16 cortical neurons in primary culture.
NeuN-positive neurons expressing GAD 92 ± 2.5% | GAD-positive neurons expressing NeuN 100% |
NeuN-positive neurons expressing Dnmt1 86 ± 2.9% | Dnmt1-positive neurons expressing NeuN 97 ± 1.7% |
Reelin-positive neurons expressing Dnmt1 92 ± 3.7% | Dnmt1-positive neurons expressing Reelin 81 ± 0.9% |
Reelin-positive neurons expressing GAD 97 ± 1.5% | GAD-positive neurons expressing Reelin 77 ± 6.2% |
Data are reported as percentages ± SEM of at least five random fields at ×40 magnification.