Combinational actions of AbF with other hemicellulases on hydrolyzing WAX. WAX (1%) was hydrolyzed by different enzyme combinations, including XynA alone (a), XynA/AbF51 (b), XynA/AbF51/Xyl39B (c), XynA/XynF (d), XynA/XynF/Xyl39B (e), and XynA/XynF/AbF51/Xyl39B (f), for 24 h and then by XynA/XynF for 24 h followed by AbF51/Xyl39B for another 24 h (g). The products were examined by HPAEC-PAD (left panel). The amounts of released sugars were calculated (right panel) according to standard curves of xylo-oligosaccharides. AbF51 participant hydrolysis products were diluted 50-fold, and XynF participant products were diluted 200-fold with distilled water.