Figure 1.
Morphogenesis of epithelial tissues in the absence of boundary constraints. (A) Model of an epithelial cell sheet. Each cell is represented by a polygon with four vertices denoted by solid circles. The shape of the cells is defined by the lengths of apical ai (red), basal bi (blue), and lateral ℓk (green) surfaces. Ai is the cross-sectional cell area. (B and C) Tissue shape changes under global modulation of the apical (B) or basal-lateral (C) mechanics. The epithelial sheet at the center (red box) is a flat sheet of columnar cells (N = 6) with an aspect ratio g = a/ℓ = 0.25 and an area A ≈ 0.89. The green and blue boxes highlight the morphological transitions resulting from changes of a given mechanical parameter. (D–G) Quantification of two morphological features of epithelial sheets. The curvature of the midplane (D and F) (see Appendix B for details) and the sheet thickness (E and G) are shown. The values aoh, Kah, λbh, and λℓh are the mechanical parameters of the flat sheet, whereas Δq = q − qh with q = ao, Ka, λb, and λℓ. To see this figure in color, go online.