(A) seAGS are better protected from OGD than rats. Slices from rats and seAGS were subjected to 30 min OGD and time course of LDH release was monitored (OGD: rat, n=30 slices; seAGS, n= 30 slices; aCSF: rat, n=25 slices; seAGS, n= 28 slices, *p<0.05 rat aCSF vs rat OGD, +p<0.05 rat vs AGS OGD, #p<0.05 seAGS aCSF vs seAGS OGD). (B) AGS slices exposed to 0.1% Triton-X as a positive control (n= 4 slices from 2 AGS). *p<0.05 vs. seAGS aCSF (C) AGS slices obtained based on hibernation season were subjected to 30 min OGD and time course and total LDH release was monitored. *p<0.05 seAGS vs. 20h ibeAGS, +p<0.05 4h ibeAGS vs. 20h ibeAGS, #p<0.05 hAGS vs. 20h ibeAGS. (D) AGS slices obtained based on hibernation season were subjected to aCSF treatment. Grey bar indicates 30 min treatment period. Data shown are means ± SEM.