Figure 1.
Density Map Segmentation. A. Binary maps, generated by application of a threshold to the density map (central Z-axis slice shown); threshold = 0 (left) is appropriate while threshold = 0.5 (right) is unsuited for segmentation. B. Distance Transform (DT) of the complementary binary map ~Mbin (central Z-axis slice shown). C. Same map as in (B) but showing central X-axis slice (top) and Y-axis slice (bottom). D. Inverted distance transform map DT ≔ − DT. E. Same map as in (D) but showing central X-axis slice (top) and Y-axis slice (bottom). F. Distance Transform map with voxels corresponding to the background voxels of Mbin, labeled as −infinity, so that the background voxels becomes inaccessible. G. Same map as in (F) but showing central X-axis slice (top) and Y-axis slice (bottom). H. Segmentation of the volume maps after applying the Watershed Transform with region merging. I. Same map as in (F) but showing central X-axis slice (top) and Y-axis slice (bottom).