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. 2017 Jun 8;22(23):30544. doi: 10.2807/1560-7917.ES.2017.22.23.30544

Table 2. General requirements for a global allele nomenclature database, May 2017.

ID Description
1 Submission of sequence data and any subsequent allele calling can only be done by and for registered users. The nomenclature database content on the other hand, including the full set of known unique allele sequences and their identifiers, must be publicly accessible.
2 All nomenclature related functionality of the database must be free of charge to end users. Long-term sustainability and portability to other servers must be addressed.
3 The database must have close to 100% guaranteed uptime and have sufficient bandwidth to support upload of data by organisations worldwide. Sufficient computing power must be available to perform quality controls and allele calling in real time.
4 It must be possible to submit either raw reads or individual allele sequences, in order to retrieve the corresponding allele identifiers as well as any quality control results. Raw reads or any derived data other than individual new alleles may not be stored permanently in the database or used for any other purpose than deriving allele nomenclature. If needed for practical reasons, submission of raw reads can be implemented at a later stage.
5 There must be an open interface for machine-to-machine communication that covers all of the publicly available functionality. A formal process to incorporate input and agreement from stakeholders on changes to the system must be in place.
6 It must be possible for authorised curator users to annotate individual allele sequences with information, e.g. to include them as a reference allele, and to add additional loci to derive allele nomenclature for, as the known pan genome grows.