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. 2017 Jun 21;36:30. doi: 10.1186/s41043-017-0107-z

Table 2.

Household and target women characteristics

Household characteristics Overall Target women are SHG members or belong to a SHG household Target women not SHG members or belong to SHG household
N = 2208
GP = 129
Block = 15
n = 1709
GP = 129
Block = 15
n = 499
GP = 68
Block = 9
 Number of participants per block, mean (SD) (range)/block 147 (68)
146 (73)
153 (21)
 Number participants per GP, mean (SD) (range) 17.1 (10.8)
17 (10.9)
16 (7.6)
 Hindu religion, n (%) 2046 (92.7) 1586 (92.3) 460 (92.2)
 Scheduled caste/tribe, n (%) 1172 (53.1) 945 (55.3) 227 (45.5)
 Drinking water source, n (%)
  Pump/tube well 2013 (91.2) 1565 (91.6) 448 (90.0)
  Open source (well/lake, etc.) 148 (6.7) 111 (6.5) 37 (7.4)
  Piped (house/yard) 47 (2.13) 33 (1.9) 14 (2.8)
 Toilet, n (%)
  Flush 133 (6.02) 94 (5.5) 39 (7.8)
  Pit 43 (2) 30 (1.8) 13 (2.6)
  Open defecation 2032 (92.03) 1585 (92.7) 447 (89.6)
 Cooking fuel type, n (%)
  Electricity/LPG/kerosene 59 (2.7) 40 (2.3) 19 (3.8)
  Wood/dung/shrub 2149 (97.3) 1669 (97.7) 480 (96.2)
 Source of lighting, n (%)
  Electricity 572 (25.9) 434 (25.4) 138 (27.7)
  Non-electricity 1636 (74.1) 1275 (74.6) 361 (72.3)
 Number of hours of power supply, mean (SD) 7.16 (2.8) 7.16 (2.8) 7.17 (2.8)
 Dwelling type, n (%)
  Thatched (Kuccha) 822 (37.2) 653 (38.2) 169 (33.9)
  Semi-concrete (semi-Pucca) 1227 (55.6) 946 (55.4) 281 (56.3)
  Concrete (Pucca) 159 (7.2) 110 (6.4) 49 (9.8)
 Household size, mean (SD) 7.2 (2.8) 7.4 (3.05) 6.8 (3.02)
 Nuclear type of family, n (%) 992 (44.9) 739 (43.2) 253 (50.7)
 Socio-economic positiona, n (%)
  0 (least poor) 440 (20) 315 (18.4) 125 (25.1)
  1 443 (20.1) 355 (20.8) 88 (17.6)
  2 (middle) 441 (20) 333 (19.5) 108 (21.6)
  3 400 (18.1) 327 (19.1) 73 (14.6)
  4 (poorest) 484 (21.9) 379 (22.2) 105 (21.04)
Women characteristics N = 2208 SHG households
n = 1709
n = 499
 Age in years, mean (SD) 25.6 (4.9) 25.6 (4.9) 25.4 (5)
 Ever attended school, n (%) 1155 (52.3) 890 (52.1) 265 (53.1)
 Those who attended till 4th, n (%)
  Cannot read or write 888 (76.1) 691 (76.2) 197 (75.8)
  Can read 186 (15.9) 152 (16.8) 34 (13.1)
  Can read and write 93 (8) 64 (7.1) 29 (11.2)
 Age in years started cohabiting with husband, mean (SD) 17.4 (2.3) 17.4 (2.3) 17.5 (2.3)
 Working (cash/kind), n (%) 457 (20.7) 376 (22) 81 (16.2)
 Access to communication, n (%)
  Do not read news paper 1832 (83) 1430 (83.7) 402 (80.6)
  Do not listen to radio 1754 (79.4) 1351 (79.1) 403 (80.8)
  Do not watch TV 1384 (62.6) 1086 (63.6) 298 (59.7)
  Access to any one of the above mode of communication 987 (44.7) 756 (44.2) 231 (46.3)
 Cell phone access, n (%)
  Own phone 739 (33.5) 561 (32.8) 178 (35.5)
  Husband phone 948 (42.9) 752 (44.0) 196 (39.3)
  Other’s phone 309 (14) 248 (14.5) 61 (12.2)
  Do not use 212 (9.6) 148 (8.7) 64 (12.8)
 Marginalizationa, n (%)
  Least 827 (37.45) 608 (35.6) 219 (439)
  Some 901 (40..8) 713 (41.7) 188 (37.7)
  Most 480 (21.7) 388 (22.7) 92 (18.4)
 Number of live births, median (IQR) 3 (1, 4) 3 (1, 4) 2 (1, 4)
 Number of living children, median (IQR) 2 (1, 3) 2 (1, 3) 2 (1, 3)
 At least one still birth, n (%) 138 (6.25) 104 (6.1) 34 (6.8)

aMarginalization defined as a composite of caste (SC/ST = 1, others = 0), literacy (cannot read and write = 1, only read/both = 0), socio-economic status (0–4 least poor to poorest) (0/2 = 0, 3/4 = 1). Total score ranges from 0 to 3. 3 = most marginalized, 2 = some marginalization, 1 and 0 least marginalized