Figure 3. Genetically distinct CeA neurons are activated by distinct stimuli.
(A–E) The percent overlap of Fos within CeC Prkcd+, CeL Prkcd+, CeL Sst+, CeL Crh+Nts+Tac2+, CeM Nts+, CeM Sst+, and CeM Tac2+ neurons in response to Shock (+) or No Shock (−) (A); Contextual Extinction Recall (+) or Contextual Fear Recall (−) (B); ad libitum Food (+) or No Food (−) in food-deprived mice (C); Quinine Water (Q), No Water (−) or ad libitum Water (+) in water-deprived mice (D); Cholecystokinin (CCK) (+) or Saline (−) injection (E). CeL Crh+Nts+Tac2+ neurons were measured by quantifying Fos in Tac2+ neurons in the CeL. Significance for unpaired t-test (A,B,C, E) and one-way ANOVA with Bonferroni’s multiple hypothesis correction comparing experimental groups with no water control (D), *P< 0.05, **P< 0.01, ***P<0.001, ****P<0.0001 (A–G). Values are mean ± s.e.m. from 1–2 sections per mouse from up to n = 4 mice, individual values are shown by black dots, some values that are too large and beyond the limit of the y-axis are not shown.