Odor information decoding from oscillatory activity in PPC. (A) Classification accuracy of odor decoding from broadband (1–100 Hz) activity from each electrode and each subject was mapped onto the corresponding position on sagittal views of a 3-D transparent brain in MNI space. Data from all subjects are depicted here and show that discrimination of the four odors was consistently high in the anterior medial temporal lobe (orange to red colors). Color bar, accuracy level; chance, 25%. (B) Four-way odor classification accuracies across electrodes are plotted separately for each subject. Electrodes that were significant relative to the null distribution are depicted in red (PPC/AMY) or yellow (non-PPC/AMY). Red-colored electrodes with small vertical lines indicate those selected for further analysis (see 5C–D). Except for subject S7, classification in the PPC/AMY electrodes was consistently among the highest. (C) Subject-specific time-series of multi-class odor decoding for the PPC electrodes identified in B reveal that significant classification begins 110 ± 58 ms (mean ± SEM) after sniff onset across subjects. Significant time-points relative to the null distribution are denoted in red. S.D. of resampling distribution are displayed in grey shaded lines. (D) Odor decoding accuracy in PPC, conditional on frequency, shows that classification is maximal in the theta-frequency range and is consistently observed in most subjects. Dots: mean accuracy across six subjects, S1–S6; grey shading: S.D. across subjects; color bar/color of dots: number of subjects (0–6) in which piriform decoding was significantly different relative to a shuffled distribution. Thus for example, the peak data point at 6 Hz indicates that the mean accuracy across six subjects was 39.2%, and that this effect was significant for each of four subjects (pale green dot); the data point at 100 Hz indicates that the mean accuracy across six subjects was 25% (chance), and that this effect was significantly greater than chance in only one subject (medium blue dot).