(a) Schematic of the virtual reality setup. (b) Calcium
trace and inferred firing rate of an example bouton aligned to horizontal pupil
position of the contralateral eye. Top left: images of the eye taken before and
after a saccade. Red dashed lines indicate occurrences of saccades. Pupil
position and inferred firing rate in arbitrary units. (c) Left:
average traces of inferred firing rate (a.u.) of LP and dLGN boutons showing
significantly increased activity in response to a saccade, aligned to saccade
onset (dashed line) in the virtual environment (VR) and in the dark. Right: mean
fraction of LP and dLGN boutons significantly modulated by saccades. Error bars
are s.e.m. *, p < 0.05, Wilcoxon rank-sum test. VR dLGN, n = 21 sessions
; VR LP, n = 31 sessions; Dark dLGN, n = 21 sessions; Dark LP, n = 30 sessions;
LP, 10 mice; dLGN: 8 mice.