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. 2017 Jun 22;12(6):e0179152. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0179152

Table 1. Fisher occurrence records from the Pacific States used to evaluate the effects of data quality on the performance and reliability of Maxent species distribution models.

Data Set Region Year n References
Verifiable records Western Washington 1990–1997 0a [32]
Western Oregon 1994–2001 29 [16]
California 1989–1994 96 [25]
Unscreened records Western Washington 1955–1992 94b [3334]; K. Aubry, unpublished data
Western Oregon 1954–1993 145c [16, 34]
California 1960–1987 150 [3536]

aA series of standardized remote-camera surveys involving > 17,000 sample nights were conducted throughout western Washington by various researchers from 1990 to 1997; no fishers were detected.

bWe excluded 22 unscreened fisher occurrence records from Washington compiled by Aubry and Houston [33] because they had spatial precision > 5.5 km or were located in different ecoregions [34] outside our analysis area, and included 1 additional record from 1992 that was not reported by Aubry and Houston [33].

cWe excluded 11 unscreened fisher occurrence records in Oregon compiled by Aubry and Lewis [16] because they were located in different ecoregions [34] outside our analysis area.