HRs (95% CIs) of MI or total CHD associated with the substitution of margarine with butter using cumulative average diet method and fully adjusted model, among single-source population. a. MI (N=37,555, MI=1003); b. total CHD (N=37,555, CHD=2302).
The dots represent the estimated risk associated with 1 tsp/day spreadable fats substitution. The error bars represent 95% CIs of point estimates. The fully adjusted model includes age, region, race/ethnicity, income, physical activity, BMI, smoking, total energy, hypertension, family history of MI, postmenopausal hormone use, aspirin use, and hysterectomy. Abbreviations: HR (Hazard Ratio), MI (myocardial infarction), tsp (teaspoon), BMI (body mass index).