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. 2017 Jun 22;12(6):e0179997. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0179997

Table 1. Differential phenotypic characteristics of strains JW1T, JW3, and closely related members of the genus Pseudoalteromonas.

Strains/species: 1, strain JW1T; 2, strain JW3; 3, P. byunsanensis JCM 12483T; 4, P. shioyasakiensis JCM 18891T; 5, P. arabiensis JCM 17292T; 6, P. gelatinilytica NH153T. All data were obtained in this study and under identical conditions, unless indicated otherwise.

Characteristics 1 2 3 4 5 6
Color violet violet violet* non-pigmented non-pigmented non-pigmented§
Violacein production + + +
Growth in NaCl (%):
    Range 0.5–10 0.5–10 0.5–5* 0.5–12 0.5–10 0–10§
    Optimum 1–3 1–3 1.5–2* 1–3 2–3 3–5§
Growth pH:
    Range 6–10.5 6–10.5 5–10* 5.5–9.5 5.0–10.0 5.5–9.5§
    Optimum 7.5 7.5 8.0* 6.5–8.0 7.0–8.0 7.5–8.5§
Growth temperature (ºC):
    Range 20–40 20–40 10–40* 5–40 6–35 15–45§
    Optimum 30 30 25–30* 28–30 25 37§
Arginine dihydrolase + +
Citrate utilization + + +
Nitrate reduction +
Tryptophan deaminase + + +
Urease + +
Voges–Proskauer + + + + +
Hydrolysis of:
    Starch + + +
    Tween-40 + + + +
Utilization of:
    L-Arabinose + + +
    Cellobiose + + + +
    Ethanol + + +
    D-Fructose + +
    D-Mannitol +
    D-Mannose + + +
    Sucrose + + + + +
    D-Trehalose + + + + +
Acid production:
    Cellobiose + + +
    Ethanol +
    D-fructose +
    D-Galactose +
    D-Glucose + + + +
    D-Mannitol +
    D-Mannose + + +
    L-Rhamnose +
    Sucrose + + + +
    D-Trehalose + + + + +
Susceptibility to:
    Gentamicin (10 μg) + + + + +
    Nitrofurantoin (300 μg) + + +
    Streptomycin (10 μg) + + + + +
    Tetracycline (30 μg) + + + +
ANI value (%)
    With JW1T 100 99.9 83.3 71.0 70.9 70.9
in silico DDH values
    With JW1T 100 99.9 26.4 20.0 20.1 20.0

*Data were taken from Park et al. (2005) [8]

Data were taken from Matsuyama et al. (2014) [4]

Data were taken from Matsuyama et al. (2013) [5]

§Data were taken from Yan et al. (2016) [12].