Decreased CF synaptic density on PC dendritic shafts in the molecular layer of tremor and cerebellar degenerative disorders. Representative cerebellar cortical sections labeled with anti-VGlut2 antibody of a control (a), a PD case (b), an ET case (c), an MSA case (d), and an SCA1 case (e) are shown. The rectangular areas (a–e) are shown below at higher magnification and demonstrate the decreased CF linear synaptic density in the ET case, the MSA case, and the SCA1 case as compared to the control and the PD case. The quantifications of the CF synaptic density across different diagnostic groups are shown (f). Ctrl control, PD Parkinson’s disease, ET essential tremor, MSA multiple system atrophy, SCA1 spinocerebellar ataxia type 1, CF climbing fiber. NS non-significant, *p < 0.05, ***p < 0.005, ****p < 0.001