Table 1.
Overview of TA diversity.
Antitoxin | Toxin | Size A/T | Prevalence % | Location | A aa % ID | T aa % ID | Category |
RHH | relE | 75/93 | 100 | CG | 98.67–100 | 94.62–100 | Cat2 |
xre | COG5654 | 122/251 | 100 | CG | 99.18–100 | 96.84–100 | Cat3 |
xre | PIN | 184/192 | 100 | CG | 95.11–100 | 96.88–100 | Cat3 |
xre (higA) | relE (higB) | 101/89-92 | 99 | CG | 95.05–100 | 95.65–100 | Cat1 |
RHH | relE | 90/115-140 | 65 | GI | 93.33–100 | 85.34–100 | Cat1 |
PHD (parD) | relE (parE) | 83/115 | 17 | GI | 100 | 97.39–100 | Cat1 |
xre | relE | 96/99 | 16 | GI | 100 | 100 | Cat2 |
abrB | relE | 105-123/152-154 | 15 | GI | 71.43–100 | 79.05–100 | Cat1 |
xre | relE | 100/126-127 | 11 | GI | 91–100 | 86.61–100 | Cat2 |
RHH | relE | 78/111 | 10 | GI | 97.30–100 | 97.2–100 | Cat2 |
RHH | PIN | 84/139 | 7* | GI | 97.62–100 | 42.88–100 | Cat2 |
COG5606 | relE | 111/125 | 5 | GI | 99.1–100 | 100 | Cat3 |
vapB | PIN | 83/131 | 5 | GI | 100 | 100 | Cat1 |
vapB | vapC | 79/136 | 5 | GI | 93.67–100 | 94.85–100 | Cat3 |
hicB | hicA | 160-231/59-60 | 4** | GI | 62.71–93.22 | 66.88 | Cat1 |
PHD | relE | 83/84 | 4 | GI | 100 | 100 | Cat1 |
COG5606 | relE | 106/120-121 | 2 | GI | 97.17 | 98.33 | Cat3 |
abrB | PIN | 87/129 | 1 | GI | Cat1 | ||
COG5606 | relE | 112/120 | 1 | GI | Cat3 | ||
hicB | hicA | 121/91 | 1 | GI | Cat2 | ||
PHD | PIN | 77/128 | 1 | GI | Cat1 | ||
relB | relE | 90/97 | 1 | GI | Cat2 | ||
RHH | PIN | 73/126 | 1 | GI | Cat2 | ||
RHH | relE | 78/109 | 1 | GI | Cat2 | ||
xre | hipA | 103/429 | 1 | GI | Cat2 | ||
xre | relE | 100/117 | 1 | GI | Cat3 |
The first two columns list the gene/domain classes for the antitoxin and toxin pair, followed by the protein length of each in amino acids. Variation in protein length within a class is denoted by a “–.” For each TA pair its prevalence in % of isolates is stated, followed by its location in either the core genome (CG) or on a genomic island (GI), and for each toxin and antitoxin the shared amino acid identity within a group is noted. The pairs are classified as category 1–4 dependent on the presence of conserved T and A domains (category 4 are pairs not included in this table). The toxin and antitoxin classes that have more than two representatives are colored in gray tones.
*One toxin appears to be missing antitoxin.
**Two out of four toxins appear to be missing antitoxins. This table is extended in Table S3 with additional information on TA pairs.