Figure 2.
Effect of muscimol injection (0.5 nmol in 50 nl) into the medullary raphé on autonomic response elicited by bilateral injections of bicuculline (1 nmol in 100 nl) into the LHb. (a) Chart records of simultaneously recorded brown adipose tissue sympathetic nerve discharge (BAT SNA), its spectral power, BAT temperature (BAT temp), end expiratory CO2 (ExpCO2), body temperature (Body temp), arterial pressure (AP) and heart rate (HR). (b and c) Group data (mean ± SEM) for mean effects of vehicle/drug on BAT SNA power and BAT temperature. (d) Chart record of tail artery Doppler flow signal. (e) Group data (mean ± SEM) for mean effects of vehicle/drug on tail artery Doppler flow. In a and d, sequential experimental manipulations of LHb and medullary raphé function are indicated by the vertical arrows. ‘ns’ not significantly different from the preceding injection level (pre-injection or bicuculline into LHb), P > 0.05; *significant different from the pre-injection value, P < 0.001; #significant different from the post-bicuculline value, P < 0.001.