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. 2014 Dec 31;4(1):10–19. doi: 10.1016/j.imr.2014.12.004

Table 1.

Frequency of scales and scale types used in the reviewed studies

Type of scale Name of scale (frequency) Frequency n (%)
Comprehensive personality scales MBTI (8), TCI (7), MMPI-2 (4), NEO-PI-R (3), K-EPQ (2), SCL-90-R (2), KEPTI (1) 27 (38.6)
Emotion-related scales TAS-20K (4), BDI (3), PANAS (2), SOM (1), STAI (1), TMMS (1), MAS (1), EEQ (1), AIM (1), AEQ (1), HBDIS (1) 17 (24.3)
Specific personality scales ACDM (2), SES (2), EDMT (1), ABTS (1), PSE (1), BIS (1), SIS (1), SCS (1), RRQ (1), SSAS (1), SIQ (1) 13 (18.6)
Stress-related scales CISS (2), SCQ (1), SOS (2), SF-12 (2) 7 (10.0)
Aptitude-related scales JAT (1), KATB (1), AMT (1), MLST (1) 4 (5.7)
Cognitive function CPT (1), Stroop test (1) 2 (2.9)

ABTS, A and B Type Personality Scale; ACDM, Assessment of Career Decision Making scale; AEQ, Ambivalence of Emotional Expressiveness Questionnaire; AIM, Affect Intensity Measure; AMT, Academic Motivation Test; BDI, Beck Depression Inventory; BIS, Body Image Scale; CISS, Coping for Stressful Situation; CPT, Continues Performance Test; EDMT, Ehwa Defense Mechanisms Test; EEQ, Emotional Expressiveness Questionnaire; HBDIS, Hwa-Byung Diagnostic Interview Schedule; JAT, Job Aptitude Test; KATB, Aptitude Test; KEPTI, Korean Enneagram Type Indicator; K-EPQ, Eysenck Personality Questionnaire (Korean version); MAS, Mood Awareness Scale; MBTI, Mayers and Briggs Type Indicator; MLST, Multidimensional Learning Strategy Test; MMPI-2, Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-2; NEO-PI-R, Revised NEO-Personality Inventory; PANAS, Positive and Negative Affect Schedule; PSE, Physical Self-Efficacy Scale; RRQ, Rumination and Reflection Questionnaire; SCL-90-R, Symptom Checklist-90—Revised; SCQ, Ways of Stress Coping Questionnaire; SCS, Self-Consciousness Scale; SES, Rosenberg Self Esteem Scale; SF-12, Health Survey-short form 12; SIQ, Symptom Interpretation Questionnaire; SIS, Self-Identity Scale; SOM, Somatization Scale in SCL-90-R; SOS, Symptoms of Stress; SSAS, Somato-Sensory Amplification Scale; STAI, State-Trait Anxiety Inventory; TAS-20K, Toronto Alexithymia Scale-20; TCI, Temperament and Character Inventory; TMMS, Trait Meta-Mood Scale.