Effect of subretinal injection of 10 mM fasudil on axonal retraction by photoreceptors 2 hours after retinal detachment. (A) Representative images of retina labeled for SV2 (green) and nuclei (red). Control eye: attached (BC) and detached (BD) retinae. Treated eye: attached (FC) and detached (FD) retinae treated with 10 mM fasudil. SV2-labeled spots (white arrows) in the ONL indicate axonal retraction. (B) Binary images created from the green channel from images in (A). SV2-labeled spots are indicated with red arrows. (C) Comparison of SV2-labeled pixels/μm ONL length in different retinal areas. There was a significant reduction of SV2-labeled pixels, by 51.3%, in FD (29.2 ± 2.7 pixels/μm ONL) compared to BD (60.7 ± 2.7 pixels/μm ONL) indicating a reduction of axon retraction (**P = 0.002, n = 3 animals, 300 images, ± SD). There was no significant difference between BC and BD in SV2-labeled pixels.