Figure 5. T-bet+ Treg cells suppress TH1 and CD8+ T cell but not TH2 or TH17 responses.
a, Schematic for tamoxifen (tx) administration and depletion of non-T-bet-expressing Treg cells in Foxp3fl-DTReGFPTbx21RFP-CreERT2 mice. b, Flow cytometry of splenic CD4 T cells in the indicated mice on d9, as outlined in (a). c–f, Treg cell percentages (c), and activated (d) and cytokine producing (e,f) T cells in spleens of tx-treated Foxp3Thy1.1Tbx21RFP-CreERT2 (open circles), oil-treated Foxp3fl-DTReGFPTbx21RFP-CreERT2 mice (black circles) and tx-treated Foxp3fl-DTReGFPTbx21RFP-CreERT2 mice (gray circles) mice. Bars, mean±s.e.m. Two-tailed t test (***, **, and * denotes p values <0.001, 0.01, and 0.05, respectively; NS – not significant). Data are representative of 2 experiments, n ≥ 3 mice per group each.